Assembly of the supporting gabion wall

The most important aspect in the construction of a supporting gabion wall is the preparation of the ground itself. The ground under the gabion wall should consist of a sufficiently solid and compacted gravel bed. The separate gabion wall should be inclined to a slope at an angle of at least 5°. However, it is not always necessary, and it depends on the height of the gabion wall as well as the pressure of the soil that will affect the particular gabion supporting wall. Stabilizing steel rods or pipes that we embed deep enough into the ground can be used for better stabilization and secure gabions against displacement. We do not need to use stabilizing rods if there is not much pressure exerted on the gabion wall.

Individual gabion baskets, which form a supporting wall, are assembled into the desired shape directly on the prepared ground. To do so, we use mounting spirals and spacing hooks. In this way, we create an empty structure from nets, which is then ready to be filled with aggregate.

In order to achieve a flat and leveled viewside of the gabion wall, it is necessary to strengthen and fix the viewside nets with scaffolding pipes as shown in the picture. This has to be done before the gabion wall is filled with aggregate. When following these steps, we will reach a perfectly flat surface of the wall’s front side.

While filling the gabion baskets with aggregate from its viewside, it is good if the assembly workers place the stone manually so that there are as few gaps between individual pieces as possible, and so that the stone rests on the view net as much as possible. This will make the surface look straight and compact.

The process of filling the gabion wall with aggregate takes place with the help of a UNC loader, which fills the desired fraction of stone into the prepared baskets. The size of the stone must be larger than the mesh of the gabion basket’s net.

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