Accessories – Assembly components

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101 Records

Mounting anchor for timbering (triangle)


We use the mounting anchor for the wood (triangle) when assembling the wood into the Premium gabion fence - wood variant C.

3,20 € with VAT

Mounting anchor for timbering


We use the large mounting anchor when installing wood into the Premium or Praktik gabion fence.

1,45 € with VAT

Gabion column 2D PRAKTIK (embedded in concrete) - ZINC

height 100-260 cm

The 2D Praktik gabion column is one of the main components of the Praktik gabion fence.

from 12,17 € with VAT

Gabion column 2D PRAKTIK (embedded on column mount) - ZINC

height 43-203 cm (the price of the column does not include the plate)

The 2D Praktik gabion column is one of the main components of the Praktik gabion fence.

from 5,38 € with VAT

Plate for column 2D PRAKTIK


The plate for the 2D Praktik column allows you to anchor the fence directly to the concrete base.

17,00 € with VAT

Spacing hook 2D PRAKTIK

2D PRAKTIK (19cm)

2D Praktik distance hooks with a length of 19 cm are an essential assembly element of the Praktik gabion fence.

0,16 € with VAT

Concrete anchor


Concrete anchor M8x115/65 Zn is used to fasten fence columns 60x40mm to a concrete base with the help of a plate.

0,90 € with VAT



Anthracite spray is suitable for the final treatment of fence panels in the color Anthracite

16,00 € with VAT



Zinc spray is suitable for the final treatment of fence panels in the color Zinc

16,00 € with VAT

Assembly hook

with a length of 35 cm

It is an important assembly element of every gabion basket

0,28 € with VAT

Assembly hook

with a length of 50 cm

It is an important assembly element of every gabion basket

0,28 € with VAT

Assembly hook

with a length of 100 cm

It is an important assembly element of every gabion basket

0,38 € with VAT

- 26%

Pliers for C-clips


The pliers for C clips, stainless steel, are used for the assembly of gabion baskets connected by clips.

39,00 €   29,00 € with VAT

Lever pliers for C clips


For easy connection of gabion nets with C-clips, we recommend using these lever pliers.

698,00 € with VAT

- 35%

Plate for column 60x40mm


The plate for the column 60x40mm allows you to anchor the fence directly to the concrete base.

17,00 €   11,05 € with VAT

- 35%

Plate for column 60x40mm


The plate for the column 60x40mm allows you to anchor the fence directly to the concrete base.

17,00 €   11,05 € with VAT

- 35%

Plate for column 60x40mm


The plate for the column 60x40mm allows you to anchor the fence directly to the concrete base.

17,00 €   11,05 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small ZINC Ø 4mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small ANTHRACITE Ø 4mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small GREEN Ø 4mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small ZINC Ø 5mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small GREEN Ø 5mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor

small ANTHRACITE Ø 5mm

The 2D ending mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

0,65 € with VAT

Mounting anchor for 60×40mm column (stainless-steel)


The handle is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a

1,45 € with VAT

Mounting anchor for 6 × 4 column PVC BLACK


Mounting anchor for 6×4 PVC post – The bracket serves to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a

1,45 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (zinc) Ø 4mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (anthracite) Ø 4mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (green) Ø 4mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (zinc) Ø 5mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (anthracite) Ø 5mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D End mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (green) Ø 5mm

The end mounting anchor is used to attach a separate 2D Praktik panel to a post with a circumference of 60x40mm.

1,00 € with VAT

2D Continuous mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (zinc) Ø 4mm

The continuous mounting anchor is used to attach two separate 2D Praktik panels, standing continuously behind each other

1,00 € with VAT

2D Continuous mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (anthracite) Ø 4mm

The continuous mounting anchor is used to attach two separate 2D Praktik panels, standing continuously behind each other

1,00 € with VAT

2D Continuous mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (green) Ø 4mm

The continuous mounting anchor is used to attach two separate 2D Praktik panels, standing continuously behind each other

1,00 € with VAT

2D Continuous mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (zinc) Ø 5mm

The continuous mounting anchor is used to attach two separate 2D Praktik panels, standing continuously behind each other.

1,00 € with VAT

2D Continuous mounting anchor for fencing panels

2D Praktik (anthracite) Ø 5mm

The continuous mounting anchor is used to attach two separate 2D Praktik panels, standing continuously behind each other.

1,00 € with VAT

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If you want to order the listed products by phone, please contact us.

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